
Hybrid Data Structures
Author: Nikoloz GrdzelidzeCo-authors: George Shvelidze
Keywords: AVL, RBT
The report is dedicated to the hybrid data structures, which includes the coordination of two or more binary trees of balanced search in conditions of insignificant increase of program code. The hybrid structure takes the best properties of its two simple components apart from the transformation ways for the simple structures. A combined model of RBT and AVL structures will be discussed for more clarance. For the hybrid data structure model, the united structure of the knot is worked out, which makes it more comfortable and saves mechanical resources. For the future prospects, the above mentioned data structure will be able to replace the containers which are based on the RBT or AVL binary search trees in the standard libraries. To illustrate the above mentioned model, here is offered its implementation on JAVA, with illustrative example.
Lecture files:
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