
Kazbegi Municipality Geodynamic Processes Assesment Based on the Modern Technologies
Author: giorgi guliashviliKeywords: debrisflows, glacial mudflows, rock avalanches, snow avalanches, erosion, exhaustion, washing out of the river banks.
The study region is notable for its unique natural conditions, geological structure, landscapes, abundance of cultural and historical monuments and strategic location, but in recent period agricultural engineering activities (building of roads, digesting of the territory under high risk, construction of High Transmission Towers and hydro powers, construction of gas pipelines, anthropogenic transformation of relief) and natural conditions triggered activation of dangerous geodynamic processes (debrisflows, glacial mudflows, rock avalanches, snow avalanches, erosion, exhaustion, washing out of the river banks), which are accompanied with economic losses, damages to property and in some cases human deaths. Numerous geodynamic processes are developed in the study area. In this regard, the region is one of the classic example of identification of modern hazardous processes, where the ecological tensity has reached especially dangerous category. Almost all kinds of geological processes (debrisiflows, landslides, floods, snow avalanches, rock avalanches, erosion and etc.) are developed nearly whole territory of the region. The main reason for this are intensive agricultural engineering activities, implemented in parallel with natural conditions favorable for the activation of debrisflows, landslides, erosion and exhaustion processes activation. Kazbegi Municipality is in the first place among the mountainous regions of Georgia, where ecological tensity reaches critical level. The study of the existing materials about the region and comparison of present condition demonstrated, that natural processes are activated in such areas where in previous years remained more or less stable. Hence, study/assessment of geodynamic processes is sufficient, especially due to lack of similar studies in last 15-20 years. The main task of the foregoing work is assessment of modern geodynamic processes in Kazbegi Municipality.
Lecture files:
Kazbegi Municipaliti Geodynamic processes Assessment Based on the Modern Technologies [en]ყაზბეგის მუნიციპალიტეტის გეოდინამიკური პროცესების შეფასება თანამედროვე ტექნოლოგიებით [ka]