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Nonlinear Wave Effects in Condensed Matter Systems

Author: Merab Malishava
Keywords: Cantilevers, Waves, Nonlinear Phenomena

In this presentation we consider the propagation of anharmonic waves in Condensed Matter systems, namely in cantilevers. Cantilever is a mechanical nano-structure, which is successfully applied in Nanotechnologies and Biophysics. It is created using standard lithography. We consider the array of cantilevers as a standard Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain, which is considered as a powerful tool for modeling various Condensed Matter Systems after first numerical experiment in 1954. Our idea is to consider a structure of two coupled cantilever arrays and study the mechanism of amplification of mechanical waves in such system. As we know, creating of this kind of mechanism is possible for coupled Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains. In this article we consider a more generalized model of such such system. We are going to derive dispersion relation and solutions for equations of motion for considered system. After that we are going to elaborate on the possibility of amplification scenario in such system.

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