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Study of microenvironment of nonionic reverse micelles by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy
Author: სალომე ქადაგიშვილიKeywords: Reverse micelle, p-nitroaniline, binding constant.
The microenvironment of reverse micelles on the basis of nonionic surfactant tetraethylene glycol mono dodecyl ether (Brij-30) was studied by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy method via para nitroaniline as optical probe. The reverse micellar solutions were prepared by dissolving of appropriate amount of the mentioned surfactant in hexane. Results were compared with data received by using of o-nitroaniline. It was found, that the value of binding constant to reverse micelles is higher as compared with same constant for p-nitroaniline in nonaqueous systems. In contrast to this binding degree of molecules of p-nitroaniline to Brij-30 reverse micelles exceeds the same value in the case of o-nitroaniline.