
The essential factors of Soil Degradation in Kvemo Kartli
Author: Salome SiradzeKeywords: Soil fertility, over-salting, soil degradation
Solution of problematic issues of environmental protection is depended on scientific, economic, social and political matters of a country. Topic of vindication and restoration of soil fertility is becoming more and more actual around the world, because improper anthropogenic influence and intensive population growth contributes to reduction of fertile soils. In this work there are described important questions about soil degradation, which endanger soil fertility. Economic influence had a huge effect on building soils. This effect was especially spread in the lowlands and hill mounts of Georgia. Because in these areas there were more economic activities in order to raise productivity. Soils were transformed into anthropogenic. Research region covers territories of Gardabani and eastern part of Tbilisi. In research region there are mostly spread:cambisols chromic and vertisols with their subtypes. Salinity was always a problem for Kvemo Kartli, because soils which are spread there naturally consist of easily soluble salts. But intensive salinity is due to improper anthropogenic influence and unsuitable exploitation of soils. Disorderedwater management caused secondary salinity of soils. It is remarkable that in research region absolute majority of soils are arable. And 20% of existing arable lands are only used as grasslands. Population hasn’t been ploughing for years and they use these territories as grasslands. Not using makes soils steadier and violates air circulation process in them. Also frequent abnormal irrigation eventually causes secondary over-salting. In this work there are also considered land reclamation arrangements of over-salted soils.