
Geology of Chiatura manganese deposit and ecological monitoring of polluted River Kvirila
Author: Tamar JebashviliKeywords: Chiatura, manganese, ecology, Riv.Kvirila, affluent, monitoring
Chiatura and its environmental problems has always been the subject of discussion till beginning of manganese ore deposit exploitation. Actuality. The local population is in quite difficult environmental situation in Chiatura under the influence of Chiatura manganese mining, which poses a threat to human health and the environment. Manganese is one of the most common chemical element, which is About 0.1% of Earth's crust. Besides manganese contained in all living organism, It is one of the most important bioelementia for human, as well as animals. Manganese is widely used in metallurgy, in Chemical industry, in medicine and in many other fields therefore the demand is high. Because of high interest of Manganese it is too topical the study of ecological crisis and its eliminate as far as possible. The purpose of the job. The purpose of the job is environmental monitoring of River Kvirila contaminated with allocated sludges. Methods of research. Study and assess of River Kvirila contaminated with manganese sludges was carried out in the laboratory based on chemical analysis. With a special device was measured directly in the places from where we have gotten river water for laboratory research. We estimated the water temperature, the coordinates of place and the heights from Sea level. The basic Results. It has been established by theoretical and practical tests that Industrial waste water Contains a lot of suspended particles and compounds of manganese also even many other micro elements.
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ჭიათურის მანგანუმის საბადოს გეოლოგია და შლამებით დაბინძურებული მდინარე ყვირილას წყლების გეოეკოლოგიური მონიტორინგი [ka]