
Elucidating the Immunological Effects of 5-Azacytidine and Lenalidomide on the Effector Cells Contributing in Antitumor Immune Response
Author: Natia KharabadzeKeywords: Prostata, Tumor, Effector cell, T Cytotoxic cell, NK cell, NKT cell
Prostate cancer is one of the common cancer among men and takes second place by mortality rates as statistics show. Despite the wide range of existing treatment methods cancer could not be defeated, which is well reflected in the statistics. One of the new treatment modalities is immunotherapy impact on cancer with 5-Azacytidine and Lenalydomine. Our goal is to study separate and combined effects of 5-Azacytidine and Lenalydomine on cancer cells; description of dose dependence of these 2 medicines upon combined immunotherapy. According to the existing literature, use of combined therapy with 5-Azacytidine and Lenalydomine was reviewed only during hematological pathologies. there is no information about the usage of this combination during non-hematological cancers; in this regard our research is a novelty in malignant prostate cancer treatment with immunotherapy modulation. If the favorable result is obtained after combined impact of immunotherapy preparations in mice we will be able to assume that the same combination will be appropriate in human as well, in order to defeat prostate cancer. Within the project, we study the effect of tumor immunotherapy drugs and their effect on the immune system. Immune system should perceive the tumor cells and generate the immune response, but cancer cells have the ability to evade immune surveillance. In accordance with 5-azatsitidinisa lenalidomidi and actions need to strengthen the immune response. Within the research we study effector cells (T cytotoxic cells, NK cells and NKT cells) and their actions, how to strengthen the effectiveness of immunotherapy treatments. The combined impact of the desired response in mice with immunotherapy suggests that the combination would be justified in people with prostate cancer.
Lecture files:
5-აზაციტიდინისა და ლენალიდომიდის იმუნოლოგიური ეფექტების შესწავლა ანტისიმსივნურ იმუნურ პასუხში მონაწილე ეფექტორულ უჯრედებზე [ka]