
Geological settin of village Nichbisi area and facing stones paleoichnological studies
Author: giorgi kazaishviliAnnotation:
Since the 70s of the last century trace fossils studies have been rapidly evolving and ichnology has become relevant for number of such related research fields as zoology, ecology, archaeology, geochemistry, sedimentology, stratigraphy, paleontology, hydrocarbon and mineral deposits geology and etc. (Mc.Ilroy, 2004 Knaust & Bromley, 2012). The role of ichnology as of an essential in solving of many geological issues interdisciplinary science becomes increasingly substantial. In spite of rich factual data, systematic trace fossils investigations (identification and interpretations) haven’t been held in Georgia so far. Comprehensive trace fossils research has been only recently established here. Presented master thesis could be regarded as a part of this research and considers the geology and trace fossils of Paleocene–Lower Eocene sediments of Nichbisis area (eastern segment of Achara – Trialeti zone). The identification/interpretation of these trace fossils has been conducted for the first time and it is the major outcome of presented research. The study object of the master thesis is the study of trace fossils and their assemblages, observed in thin, medium and thick-bedded sandstones of Paleocene–Lower Eocene Flysch (turbidites) of Nichbisi area. Conducted investigations are based on up-to-date sedimentological and ichnologigal study methods. The master thesis research involves as an overview of the data from available geological literature, so the analysis of my own data obtained during the field-geological practice work conducted in summer 2015 in the environs of villages Shua and Zeda Nichbisi. In the first (general) part of the thesis is presented brief geological study history of the research object is discussed geological structure, stratigraphy and tectonics of the study area. On the basis of my recent factual data analysis have been recognized and studied biological (trace fossils) and other sedimentary structures. Trace fossils investigation has been conducted in the field and in the office using up-to-date atlases, manuals and scientific publications. Obtained data enabled to make efforts in depositional environment recognition in the study area. The research outcomes and major conclusions are presented in the second (special) and third parts of the master thesis.
Lecture files:
სოფელ ნიჩბისის მიდამოების გეოლოგია და მოსაპირკეთებელი ქვების პალეოიქნოლოგიური კვლევა [ka]