
New tweakable symmetric block cipher algorithm
Author: giorgi sekhniashviliKeywords: Tweakable algorithm, Modified version of Hill's algorithm
In this work we will discus generating round keys for modified version of symmetric block cipher algorithm proposed by American mathematician – Lester Hill. In Hill’s algorithm open text symbols transform into numbers(in decimal system) and are multiplied by square n × n matrix, which must have inverse matrix. This method for modern cryptographic algorithms was altered in following method: bit string(128 bit), which is generated after we input text in computer, divide into bytes and is generated as a matrix 4 × 4, the elements of which are converted to decimal again and are multiplied by inversable matrix 4 × 4. This is one of the major operation of new tweakable block cipher. This type of algorithm needs procedure of extend key, which allows us to generate round keys(10 keys). The main goal of this work is to create this kind of key extending procedure.
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