
Separation of enatiomers of Flavanone with novel core-shell type polysaccaride-based chiral stationary phase in high performance liquid chromatography
Author: Lia BezhitashviliKeywords: Flavanone, superficially porous particles, Hight performance liquis chromatography, Core-Shell, superfast separations, number of theoretical plates, height equivalent to a theoretical plate
The rationale behind concept of Superficially porous particles was to improve column afficiancy. Core-Shell columns have some advantages compearing with fully porous particles. Initially this fact caused certain skepticism, but nowadays is well-known and well-documented that Core-Shell columns are really the best for separating enantiomers in HPLC. Exectly, in this study is demonstrated advantages of superficially porouse particles in HPLC. Improvement of mass transfer kinetics depends on shortening the pathways that analyte molecules must travel, because higher column afficiency require short diffusion paths of analyte molecules in columns. In the present study the separation performance of chiral stationary phases(CSPs) made of polysaccharide-based chiral selectors coated onto superficially porous silica supports were avaluted. Extraordinary high column performance reaching 200 000 plates per meter was observed. Reduced heigh of equivalent theoretical plates(HETP) are less for core-shell columns. In this study is demonstrated Extremally low reduced H, which is about 1.4 (Reduced H has not union, since it is calculated by dividing the H[µm] to particle size[µm]); Reason of this result is specific structure of core-shell particles. Pores are only on shell, not inside the particle, so this is reason of decreasing Van-Deemter coefficients, A,B and C.
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ლია ბეჟიტაშვილი საბაკალავრო ნაშრომი 2016 წ [ka]ფლავანონის ენანტიომერების დაყოფა მაღალეფექტურ სითხურ ქრომატოგრაფიაში ახალი, ზედაპირულად ფოროვანი გლუვი სილიკაგელის ბაზაზე მომზადებული პოლისაქარიდული ქირალური სტაციონალური ფაზების გამოყენებით [ka]